Isaiah is growing right before our eyes!! I can't believe how much he's grown! He has gone from a 3lb 13oz preemie, to a healthy toddler! How amazing! Here are a few pictures from his birthday party for you to enjoy!!
Post Options Can you believe it??? Time has flown!! I'm 10 months old, and I weigh 20lbs!!! I'm currently starting to cruise around in my walker and I love it when mommy or daddy or someone holds my hands and helps me walk around!! It's so much fun to see and explore new things!! I say da-da alot and love to play with Max(our dog)!!! I love to eat and have started to try new things!! I love spaghetti and anything that mommy or daddy is eating!!! Easter Sunday was the best, I love ham and my great-great grammie's yeast rolls!! I love to be outside as well!! My mommy has posted some pictures of me outside, me reading a book, and me & daddy at Easter!! Enjoy!!